all postcodes in CB4 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB4 1AA 59 0 52.21455 0.125747
CB4 1AB 9 0 52.214992 0.12738
CB4 1AD 39 0 52.215421 0.126551
CB4 1AE 8 0 52.216036 0.126844
CB4 1AF 7 1 52.214873 0.126993
CB4 1AG 29 0 52.21601 0.127296
CB4 1AH 8 0 52.215131 0.128177
CB4 1AJ 37 0 52.216323 0.128657
CB4 1AL 26 0 52.216165 0.128942
CB4 1AN 20 0 52.215392 0.129609
CB4 1AP 16 0 52.216805 0.130555
CB4 1AQ 41 1 52.216252 0.127835
CB4 1AR 10 0 52.216263 0.13069
CB4 1AS 15 4 52.215784 0.131355
CB4 1AT 24 1 52.216746 0.131811
CB4 1AU 13 0 52.217601 0.132804
CB4 1AW 19 0 52.216644 0.129991
CB4 1AX 33 2 52.217152 0.132782
CB4 1AY 14 0 52.218491 0.133271
CB4 1AZ 39 0 52.218866 0.134929